On March 18, 2024, Delia Tucker, OPWDD’s Regional Director for Field Office 4, and Nina Gritsay, OPWDD’s Deputy Director, met with members of IRI’ ‘s Executive and Senior Staff: Noelia Mango, Director of Clinical Services and Data Analytics, Dr. Elizabeth Corrigan, Chief Operating Officer, Sophia Lulgjuray, Director of Social Services and Community Engagement, Ana Koessler, Chief Administrative Officer and Dr. Gilbert Louis, Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Corrigan gave a tour of our new headquarters and group day habilitation and employment services building while highlighting our clinical approach.  We discussed several development and care issues requiring our partnership and started an important conversation about safely supporting people with complex needs.  These monthly meetings had been held via Zoom for a couple of years, and we wanted to show key personnel at OPWDD how we design and deliver supports using physical fitness, yoga, e-sports, music, and art as the pillars of our behavior management approach.  We look forward to continuing these important conversations. 


First Board Meeting at New Headquarters


Grand Opening Celebration