Intensive Behavioral Services
Our Intensive Behavioral Services are available for individuals living in Brooklyn or Queens in non-certified settings who are experiencing disruptive and maladaptive behaviors in the home.
IRI’s Applied Behavior Specialists team works with the individual and family to create and maintain a behavior plan to resolve challenging behaviors. Our focus is to to enable the individual to remain at home.
Intensive Behavioral (IB) Services are short-term (6 months) services that focus on developing effective behavior management strategies for individuals whose challenging behavioral issues put the individual at risk of placement in a more restrictive residential setting. While not a crisis intervention program, this program does teach the individual, families and other caregivers how to respond to and deal with those challenging behaviors that might otherwise result in admission to a hospital or psychiatric center.
To be eligible for IB Services, the individual must live in their own residence or a Family Care home and must be enrolled in the Home and Community Based Services Waiver.