Employment Services
Our Employment Services team works to provide opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to help them learn and grow from working and volunteering in their community.
Our program offers:
Supported Employment (SEMP)
Provides the support individuals need to obtain and maintain paid competitive jobs.
Individuals come to SEMP from programs that offer intensive training in ETP.
This is a one-to-one service for our community.
Job skills are reinforced, identified, and put to use in competitive employment with individual supports as needed.
Employment Training Program (ETP)
ETP offers individuals local internship opportunities that may lead to permanent employment.
Wages are paid by the ETP, while an individual learns the skills needed for the job.
Participants attend job-readiness classes that present topics and teach skills associated with work.
Pathways to Employment
Gives individuals and staff opportunities to discover and uncover an individual’s interests.
Each individual is granted 365 days or 270 hours of training (whichever comes first).
In a process of exploration, the staff, family members, and other sources are engaged in discovering the best work-related skills and environments for the individual.
To be eligible for Pathways to Employment, an individual must be enrolled in the Home and Community Based Waiver (HCBS).